Activating and Configuring Pay on Arrival

  1. On the left side menu, click on 'Settings', then 'General Settings'.
  2. Under 'Booking and Payment Settings' click on 'Payment Settings'.
  3. Under the 'Guest checkout payment amount options' click on the 'Guests can pay on arrival' checkbox.


Configuring Pay on Arrival for Guests

  1. Click on 'Configure' next to 'Guests can pay on arrival (card authorization available)'
  2. Set the Checkout content: The title and description displayed to guests when choosing this option during the checkout process
  3. Set the Confirmation content: The title and description displayed to guests on the confirmation page and email when payment is due on arrival
  4. If you'd like to Capture and authorize card details during checkout at the time of booking, click its checkbox
  5. Click 'Save & Update'


For more help on payment settings, see our guides on payment options and gateways.

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