This support article will guide you through the process of adding a preconfigured Google Analytics 4 template to your Google Tag Manager. By doing so, you'll be able to seamlessly use Google Analytics 4 with Resova.
Resova will report to Google Analytics 4 important information about how users on your website are moving closer to checkout. This includes events such as:
- When a user adds an item to their cart
- When a user begins checkout
- When a user removes an item from their cart
- Coupon usage
- Purchase information such as room name and value of purchase
The method described in this article improves tracking performance by removing any cross-domain tracking. All data is configured and sent to Google Analytics only from your primary domain. If the Resova Guest Checkout widget IS NOT embedded into your website, please connect your Google Tag Manager to Resova.
Note: On July 1st, 2023 Google Analytics UA is being retired. We recommend setting up Google Analytics 4 utilizing the method outlined in this article for optimal Google Analytics 4 tracking.
Step 1: Download The Google Tag Manager Template
We have created a preconfigured template for you to upload into Google Tag Manager to simplify the setup process. Download the file to your computer and store it in a location that you can easily access.
Download the file here.
Step 2: Configure Google Tag Manager
To get started, go to your Google Tag Manager account and select the container that corresponds to your website. Once you are in the container, select "Admin" from the horizontal navigation menu.
Select “Import Container” in the container settings list.
A panel titled "Import Container" will slide in. Select "Choose container file" and choose the template file you downloaded earlier(download that here).
Once the template file is selected, a few new settings will show up:
Verify that the correct file is selected
Choose the current or Default Workspace
Choose “Merge” and “Overwrite conflicting tags, triggers and variables
Once those three items are confirmed, select “Confirm”.
After confirmation, the panel will slide shut. Next, go to the “Variables” tab on the left side of the screen. Then, select “GA4 Measurement ID” from the User-Defined Variables list.
Another panel titled "GA4 Measurement ID" will slide in. In the "Variable Configuration" panel, enter your Google Analytics Measurement ID as the value and select "Save".
All that is left to do is to publish your container! Simply select "Submit" at the top right of your tag manager screen.
To conclude the configuration of Google Tag Manager, enter any name for the Version Name and select "Publish". This will push the container live onto your website.
That’s it! Check back in your Google Analytics 4 account to verify that data is coming through.
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