Install and embed Resova using our Wordpress plugin.
Installing our Wordpress plugin
To find our WordPress Plugin, select "Settings" and then "Booking Site Settings" from the main navigation. Click the "Publish Booking Site" button in the settings menu on the left.
Select Booking Site and continue to integrations. You can integrating or linking all or certain modules of the booking site. Click "Wordpress" and download our Wordpress plugin to install manually on your Wordpress Site.
Configuring our Wordpress plugin, and embedding Resova
Once you have downloaded our plugin, in your Wordpress site go to "Plugins" and then "Add New Plugin". Select the Upload Manually option and upload the file provided by Resova.
Once activated, please then refer back to our publish settings and simply paste the provided 'Shortcodes' on your Wordpress site page where you would like to show Resova.
Note: Resova will not show on your Wordpress site if you have not activated the plugin on the "Installed Plugins" page in your Wordpress dashboard.
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