Viewing your Resova subscription allowances

You can view your monthly booking allowances including both available and used amounts, and the maximum total staff members included in your monthly subscription at any time.

To view your monthly allowances, click your avatar and name found in the bottom left-hand corner of your account underneath the main navigation. From the dropdown menu, select "Billing & Invoices".


You will now see how many bookings your account is entitled to each month, how many bookings are remaining for that month, and how many team members are available in your plan. You can also see your current plan and how much your subscription is per month.

What happens if I go over my booking allowance?

Not to worry. A warning email will be sent when you have reached over 80% and 95% of your booking capacity for every month, giving you plenty of time to upgrade your plan. See more information on how to upgrade your plan.

If you require more team members, you can also upgrade your plan any time.

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