Roles you have created can be assigned to multiple or selected users. Each role can have different permissions, which allows you to grant or restrict access to certain areas of your account.
For example, users who manage bookings can have access to the calendar and bookings only, or your marketing team can have access to your reporting section only.
Understanding permissions
Take a look below on all permissions that can be assigned to roles. All permissions below can be selected when managing roles.
Calendar/Bookings permissions
Calendar/Bookings permissions can give or restrict access to all bookings in your admin account. To let users manage all bookings, select the option to "view and edit all bookings". If users can only view all bookings, select the "view all bookings only" option.
When using team members as resources, you can restrict viewing and editing rights on bookings that have only been assigned to them. To do this, you can select the "view and edit assigned bookings (team resource)" or "view assigned bookings only (team resource)" options.
To completely restrict users from the calendar, and all bookings, choose the "restricted" option.
Payment permissions
Permissions for payments can be configured when it comes to viewing, accepting and refunding payments. You can allow team members to view and manage all payments, including refunding payments, or allow them to just view payments only, or restrict them from payments altogether.
Reporting permissions
Give team members the ability to view and download all reporting data, with reporting permissions. To hide reporting data, you can restrict team members from viewing all charts, and the ability to download any reporting data from your account.
Notifications and permissions
You can turn notifications on or off for all team members by roles. This should be utilized if you have restricted users, and have removed the options for them to manage their own notification settings, from their account. You can also control what kind of notifications they receive, such as customer or user activity on bookings.
Granting and restricting all other areas of Resova
Permissions are available for team members to view, edit or be completely restricted from all other areas of your account. These areas include customers, inventory, promote, settings and the accounts section.
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