Embed Resova using our JS embeddable code.
Finding embeddable codes in Resova
To embed Resova into your Shopify website, select "Settings" and then "Booking Site Settings" from the main navigation. Click the "Publish Booking Site" button in the settings menu on the left.
Choose which part of Resova you want to publish and continue to integrations. You can integrating or linking all or certain modules of the booking site. Select "HTML Integration" and copy the code provided.
Embedding the code into your Shopify site
You can add our embeddable code to Shopify by editing the HTML on the page you would like Resova to show. See how to edit HTML on your Shopify site, scroll down to "Viewing the Edit HTML/CSS page".
Note: We recommend that you have HTML knowledge when adding Resova to your Shopify site.
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