Quickly edit and/or reschedule bookings from the booking and transaction overviews page/modal.
To edit and/or reschedule bookings, on the transaction or booking overview page/modal, select the "Booking" (on booking overviews) or "All Items" (on transaction overviews) tab.
We recommend you first check out our guide on understanding the differences between transaction and booking overviews.
In the booking or all items section, select the gear icon of the booking you want to manage. From the dropdown menu, select the "Edit booking" link.
When the booking form reveals, you may be presented with the following options to edit:
- Item (which item is being booked)
- Staff resource (the staff resource assigned to a booking, if applicable)
- Availability settings (including the date, time and duration of the new booking)
- People and pricing (the number of participants assigned to the booking, and the option to overwrite the pricing of bookings, if applicable)
Note: Resources cannot be changed on bookings that are on time slots since resources are assigned to availability. To manage and remove resources from time slots, view our article on managing and changing default or custom time slot settings.
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