Apply and remove discount codes, gift vouchers and custom discounts on all transactions. All discounts or gift vouchers applied or removed on transactions will automatically calculate the transaction totals.
Existing discount codes and gift voucher purchases can only be applied to transactions. See our guides on creating and managing discount codes and how gift vouchers and selling them work.
To add or manage discount codes and gift vouchers on transactions, on the transaction or booking overview page/modal, select the "Promos/Gifts" tab.
Adding discount codes, custom discounts, and gift vouchers to transactions
From the promos/gifts section, select the "Add new promotion or gift voucher" option.
In the form reveal in the "Select Type" dropdown, the following can be selected:
- Discount code (search and select standard discount codes)
- Discount code in a group (search and select discount groups, and then discount codes in that group)
- Custom discount (custom discounts with descriptions and a custom value)
- Gift vouchers (if applicable, search and enter gift voucher codes to be redeemed)
Once you have chosen a discount code, entered a custom discount, or selected a gift voucher you want to apply to transactions, select the "Add..." button.
Removing discount codes, custom discounts and gift vouchers to transactions
To remove discounts and gift vouchers from transactions, select the gear icon on the discount or gift voucher you want to remove. From the dropdown menu, select the "Remove..." link.
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